"1. Heat oil/ghee, add onion, Mehran Garlic & Ginger Paste, Mehran Kunna/Matka Gosht Masala, meat and trotters, fry for 6 - 7 minutes. Then add 1 glass of water, cover and cook on medium heat. When gravy becomes thick, fry it well and again add 5 - 6 glasses of water, cover and cook on low heat for 5 - 6 hours until meat becomes tender. Pressure cooker can also be used.
2. In 1 cup of water, dissolve our and add in meat mix as required and add 1/2 tsp of caraway seeds to enhance avor and cook for 25 - 30 minutes and remove."
Serving Suggestion
"Serve with naan and lassi (Prefer to cook with ghee). Serving for 6 - 8 people. (1 packet 50g)"
Preparation Time
6 - 7 hours.